Tag: Heart Attacks / Conditions

The Real Cost of a Pedicure: Hidden Dangers Lurking in Nail Salons

Nail salons can be the source of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other infectious agents including hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV. Patrons can contract these biologic hazards from salons that re-use utensils and instruments without properly cleaning them between patrons or ineffectively clean equipment. Bacteria and fungus from unclean nail tools can contribute to other serious conditions such as thrombophlebitis, osteomyelitis, and sepsis which require extensive and expensive medical attention to treat or cure.

Failure to Prevent, Diagnose, or Treat Pulmonary Embolism

Pulmonary Embolism is an emergency that kills 100,000 Americans and endangers 900,000 more annually. It is critically important that doctors assess all hospitalized patients for their risk of developing pulmonary embolism and take preventative measures. Prevention, prompt diagnosis and proper treatment of this potentially deadly condition are the keys to saving lives. Failure to diagnose, prevent and/or treat pulmonary embolism may constitute medical malpractice.

Electronic Medical Records Can Provide Early Warning of Sepsis for Those at Highest Risk

The use of electronic medical records raises innumerable issues concerning access, privacy, and misuse. However, with the advancement of technology in medicine comes the ability to improve electronic medical record systems to make them more advantageous and valuable to physicians and patients. Systems such as this have the potential to serve as an “effective early warning tool” that can save lives that would otherwise be lost to sepsis.

Failure to Diagnose

Our attorneys are dedicated to finding answers in situations where failure to diagnose an illness or injury resulted in catastrophic injury. If you have questions about a matter of this nature we encourage you to contact our office for an evaluation.

Failure to Monitor

People expect that if something unexpected occurs, the best place to be is in the hospital. Regrettably, hospitals fail to implement policies and procedures to assure patients at risk are carefully monitored and alerts heeded in a timely manner. Our attorneys have extensive experience handling cases in which failure to properly monitor a patient has resulted in catastrophic injury or death.

New Recommendations To Help Doctors Diagnose Sepsis and Septic Shock Earlier, Saving Lives

The CDC reports sepsis kills more than 258,000 Americans each year and is the ninth leading cause of disease-related death. With the understanding that early recognition and treatment of such serious illness improves outcomes, an international task force of critical and intensive care physicians has started the process of developing new definitions and more uniform criteria for the diagnosis of sepsis and septic shock.

Patient Suffered Permanent Nerve Damage Due To Botched Saphenous Vein Harvest

This case involves a gentleman in his 60s who suffered needless injury due to medical negligence during his preparation for a coronary bypass surgery (CABG). In preparation, the doctors planned to perform an endoscopic vein harvest of the patient’s saphenous vein. The patient was placed under general anesthesia, and a physician’s assistant endoscopically attempted to remove the necessary saphenous vein from the patient’s leg. Due to lack of proper supervision and experience, the PA mistakenly removed a large portion of the patient’s saphenous nerve instead of the vein, causing permanent and avoidable nerve injury in his leg as a result of the physician’s assistant failing to follow the standard procedure for vein harvesting.

Central Line Infections – Still Rampant, but Preventable

Hospitals can easily prevent patients from contracting an infection that still affects 45,000 to 90,000 people per year. This infection is from a common device used to administer medicine and fluids called a central venous catheter (CVC), also known as a central line.This device is a tube that leads straight to the patient’s heart, which allows doctors to administer medicine to their patients quickly.

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